Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Rodon Underground vol.88 - 24/06/2020

Rodon Underground vol.88 - 24/06/2020
Rodon FM 95 (Serres, Greece),
Wednesdays 21:00-23:00 CET+2

1. My Wet Calvin - Χαμομήλι
2. Egoera - Hiru
3. Belt of Venus - Illusion
4. Mark Lanegan - This Game of Love
5. Marva von Theo - Forever
6. Drab Majesty - Rain
7. The Vacant Lots - Rescue
8. Hail Spirit Noir - Automata 1980
9. Paranoid Reverb - Rain
10. Radar Men from the Moon - The Bestial Light
11. Less Win - The Hanging
12. Olivia Jean - Jaan Pehechaan Ho
13. Bad Cop/Bad Cop - Simple Girl
14. Melvins/Mudhoney - Ten Minute Visitation
15. Get Dead - Pepperspray
16. Western Addiction - They Burned Our Paintings
17. Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes - Fire
18. Ulva - Selfishness as Self-Preservation
19. Blight - A Violent Light

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